Daily Crime Reports Los Angeles, CA

2 Sep 2024 Mon, 2 Sep 2024 Mon, 2 Sep 2024 Monday, 2 September 2024

Daily crime reports for Los Angeles, CA. There were a total of 146 incident reports to the Los Angeles Police Department.


Crime Address Date and Time
Robbery 300 S AVE 56 9/2/24 11:40 AM
Assault RIVERSIDE DR at LOS FELIZ BL 9/2/24 12:45 AM
Robbery UNION AV at WILSHIRE BL 9/2/24 12:20 AM
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Crime Address Date and Time
Motor Vehicle Theft 2900 S FIGUEROA ST 9/2/24 10:00 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 1000 N SOTO ST 9/2/24 8:15 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 1600 WILSHIRE BL 9/2/24 7:30 PM
Shoplifting 4400 LOS FELIZ BL 9/2/24 7:08 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 4800 S SEPULVEDA BL 9/2/24 4:30 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 8600 FENWICK ST 9/2/24 3:40 PM
Autobreaking 300 S ALAMEDA ST 9/2/24 2:50 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 1800 W WASHINGTON BL 9/2/24 2:30 PM
Burglary/B&E 19100 PARTHENIA ST 9/2/24 1:45 PM
Burglary/B&E 19100 PARTHENIA ST 9/2/24 1:45 PM
Burglary/B&E 19100 PARTHENIA ST 9/2/24 1:45 PM
Burglary/B&E 19100 PARTHENIA ST 9/2/24 1:45 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 1700 CARMONA AV 9/2/24 1:45 PM
Autobreaking RIVERSIDE DR at DENNI AV 9/2/24 1:00 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 19700 STRATHERN ST 9/2/24 1:00 PM
Shoplifting 4400 LOS FELIZ BL 9/2/24 12:29 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 1500 W OLYMPIC BL 9/2/24 12:20 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 32ND ST at HOOVER ST 9/2/24 12:18 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 4000 OLMSTED AV 9/2/24 11:30 AM
Motor Vehicle Theft 2400 LINCOLN BL 9/2/24 11:08 AM
Shoplifting 20900 DEVONSHIRE ST 9/2/24 10:49 AM
Motor Vehicle Theft 500 GALLARDO ST 9/2/24 7:45 AM
Identity Theft 400 W 21ST ST 9/2/24 7:20 AM
Identity Theft 3300 SABINA ST 9/2/24 6:01 AM
Identity Theft 1500 W 37TH PL 9/2/24 6:00 AM
Autobreaking 7300 MILWOOD AV 9/2/24 4:00 AM
Larceny 7400 LANKERSHIM BL 9/2/24 4:00 AM
Motor Vehicle Theft 1000 CARY AV 9/2/24 3:18 AM
Identity Theft 1100 S GRAND AV 9/2/24 2:40 AM
Motor Vehicle Theft 200 S BOYLE AV 9/2/24 2:00 AM
Vandalism 17600 RINALDI ST 9/2/24 1:50 AM
Motor Vehicle Theft 3800 W SUNSET BL 9/2/24 1:30 AM
Burglary/B&E 300 S LOS ANGELES ST 9/2/24 1:12 AM
Motor Vehicle Theft 300 S MAIN ST 9/2/24 1:11 AM
Identity Theft 5200 HARMONY AV 9/2/24 12:15 AM
Motor Vehicle Theft 2300 PRINCE ST 9/2/24 12:05 AM
Motor Vehicle Theft 800 S HOPE ST 9/2/24 12:05 AM
Vandalism LARGA AV at FLETCHER DR 9/2/24 12:01 AM
Autobreaking 5200 THORNBURN ST 9/1/24 11:59 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 600 N CORONADO ST 9/1/24 11:30 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 2300 PACIFIC AV 9/1/24 11:09 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 1300 S GRAND AV 9/1/24 11:00 PM
Autobreaking REGIS WY at 80TH ST 9/1/24 10:45 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 1200 W 52ND ST 9/1/24 10:30 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 7200 BALCOM AV 9/1/24 10:30 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 12900 WINTHROP AV 9/1/24 10:00 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 6500 WOODLEY AV 9/1/24 10:00 PM
Vandalism 100 S LOS ANGELES ST 9/1/24 10:00 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 1500 GORDON ST 9/1/24 9:38 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 1100 ESPERANZA ST 9/1/24 9:00 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 2100 LINCOLN PARK AV 9/1/24 8:15 PM
Autobreaking 17200 VENTURA BL 9/1/24 8:00 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 15000 PADDOCK ST 9/1/24 8:00 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 1700 VINE ST 9/1/24 8:00 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 800 S HILL ST 9/1/24 8:00 PM
Vandalism 300 S BROADWAY 9/1/24 8:00 PM
Autobreaking 25800 VERMONT AV 9/1/24 7:30 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 400 E 1ST ST 9/1/24 7:15 PM
Autobreaking S ST ANDREWS PL at W 27TH ST 9/1/24 7:00 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 10000 DE SOTO AV 9/1/24 7:00 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 4400 MCKINLEY AV 9/1/24 7:00 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 100 S ST ANDREWS PL 9/1/24 6:10 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 3100 JAMES M WOOD BL 9/1/24 6:00 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 11800 MENLO AV 9/1/24 6:00 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 73RD at SAN PEDRO 9/1/24 6:00 PM
Autobreaking 8400 BALBOA BL 9/1/24 5:00 PM
Vandalism 400 S CLARENCE ST 9/1/24 4:50 PM
Autobreaking 1200 S REDONDO BL 9/1/24 4:00 PM
Shoplifting 100 THE GROVE DR 9/1/24 3:24 PM
Autobreaking 1100 S GRAND AV 9/1/24 2:30 PM
Vandalism 2900 LOS FELIZ BL 9/1/24 2:30 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 1000 S SERRANO AV 9/1/24 2:00 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 8900 VAN NUYS BL 9/1/24 2:00 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 600 E 105TH ST 9/1/24 2:00 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 2400 GRIFFIN AV 9/1/24 2:00 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 6000 NEVADA AV 9/1/24 1:00 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft AVENUE 60 at BENNER 9/1/24 12:00 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 16000 GAULT ST 9/1/24 12:00 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft SELMA AV at IVAR AV 9/1/24 11:30 AM
Motor Vehicle Theft 700 S OLIVE ST 9/1/24 9:25 AM
Motor Vehicle Theft 6800 BELLINGHAM AV 9/1/24 7:45 AM
Autobreaking 3600 VINTON AV 9/1/24 4:30 AM
Motor Vehicle Theft 4800 MASCOT ST 9/1/24 4:30 AM
Motor Vehicle Theft 1600 S LELAND ST 9/1/24 2:30 AM
Motor Vehicle Theft 12300 VICTORIA AV 9/1/24 12:01 AM
Motor Vehicle Theft 23400 S WESTERN AV 8/31/24 11:00 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 7200 CRESCENT PK 8/31/24 9:35 PM
Autobreaking 7900 ANDASOL AV 8/31/24 9:00 PM
Autobreaking COLYTON ST at PALMETTO ST 8/31/24 8:00 PM
Larceny 2100 PARKSIDE AV 8/31/24 6:35 PM
Autobreaking E 7TH ST at WILSON ST 8/31/24 6:30 PM
Autobreaking COLYTON ST at PALMETTO ST 8/31/24 5:35 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 900 MAGNOLIA AV 8/31/24 4:00 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft VARNA AV at OXNARD ST 8/31/24 3:00 PM
Shoplifting 2000 N FIGUEROA ST 8/31/24 2:33 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 1200 W Q ST 8/31/24 1:30 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 1100 W MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BL 8/31/24 11:00 AM
Vandalism 2300 GLENDALE BL 8/31/24 8:59 AM
Autobreaking 3200 N FIGUEROA ST 8/31/24 8:00 AM
Motor Vehicle Theft 300 N ALVARADO ST 8/31/24 7:00 AM
Motor Vehicle Theft 7600 BEVERLY BL 8/31/24 1:45 AM
Autobreaking 9400 VAN NUYS BL 8/31/24 12:01 AM
Autobreaking 21500 BURBANK BL 8/30/24 11:00 PM
Autobreaking 8700 MEMORY PARK AV 8/30/24 11:00 PM
Vandalism 9500 ZELZAH AV 8/30/24 10:00 PM
Larceny 300 S BOYLSTON ST 8/30/24 9:45 PM
Autobreaking 700 E 15TH ST 8/30/24 6:30 PM
Vandalism 1300 W 48TH ST 8/30/24 3:00 PM
Vandalism LYMAN PL at DE LONGPRE AV 8/30/24 2:57 PM
Vandalism 2800 E OBSERVATORY RD 8/30/24 2:30 PM
Vandalism 2700 N VERMONT AV 8/30/24 1:45 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 7600 S SAN PEDRO ST 8/30/24 1:00 PM
Autobreaking 3700 LAVELL DR 8/30/24 12:00 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft CRENSHAW at 75TH 8/29/24 9:00 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 300 WORLD WY 8/28/24 6:53 PM
Autobreaking 6900 COMANCHE AV 8/27/24 5:50 AM
Autobreaking 12700 MILLENNIUM DR 8/26/24 6:00 PM
Identity Theft 1000 E 28TH ST 8/26/24 11:15 AM
Identity Theft 1000 E 28TH ST 8/26/24 10:40 AM
Identity Theft 500 S LOS ANGELES ST 8/26/24 7:40 AM
Larceny 2300 W 7TH ST 8/25/24 11:55 PM
Larceny 1200 WILSHIRE BL 8/25/24 11:55 PM
Larceny 500 S OLIVE ST 8/25/24 11:35 PM
Motor Vehicle Theft 2100 NORWOOD ST 8/25/24 5:00 PM
Autobreaking 2000 LOUELLA AV 8/24/24 3:00 PM
Autobreaking 700 S FLOWER ST 8/21/24 3:30 PM
Vandalism 4900 ECHO ST 8/21/24 8:40 AM
Motor Vehicle Theft 5200 W CENTURY BL 8/18/24 5:00 PM
Larceny 4600 LA MIRADA AV 8/17/24 5:25 AM
Larceny 1300 S GRAND AV 8/5/24 7:00 AM
Larceny 800 N HILL ST 8/5/24 7:00 AM
Larceny 400 S SAN PEDRO ST 8/4/24 7:00 AM
Motor Vehicle Theft LORENA ST at ATLANTIC ST 8/3/24 10:00 AM
Autobreaking 9400 HASKELL AV 8/1/24 9:00 AM
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Crime Address Date and Time
Sex Offense 5300 RANGE VIEW AV 9/2/24 5:30 PM
Trespassing 6700 TOPANGA CANYON BL 9/2/24 2:00 PM
Trespassing 800 N VIGNES ST 9/2/24 7:30 AM
Trespassing 300 W WASHINGTON BL 9/2/24 6:40 AM
Trespassing 300 W WASHINGTON BL 9/2/24 6:10 AM
Sex Offense 7300 ETON AV 9/1/24 10:30 PM
Sex Offense 500 GALLARDO ST 8/29/24 7:20 AM
Sex Offense 2800 SOMERSET DR 8/8/24 9:30 PM
Sex Offense 2900 GLENEDEN ST 5/2/24 10:50 PM
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